Thursday, April 9, 2015

Week 3 Weigh-In

Sorry I didn't post this yesterday, it's Spring Break and my husband has a week off work so we took an overnight trip to Seattle with the kids. So much fun! We left first thing Tuesday morning and didn't get back until late last night so I went ahead and weighed in on Tuesday before we left. I probably should have waited until I got back so that my food choices would better reflect an impending weigh-in, but if I'm totally honest that is part of why I did it early. I didn't want to have to stress about food while I was gone. Let me tell you though - 2 days of eating out, especially fast food, has left me feeling less than 100%. It's amazing what a difference it makes when you have started consuming mostly healthy foods in your diet. Reminds me how much I do not want to go back to a "diet" filled with fast convenience food with no thought to portions. I feel so much better when I am fueling my body well.

Anyway, on to the weigh-in. I actually did really good this week! I started the week weighing 307.4. I was pleasantly surprised when I got on the scale on Tuesday morning and it said I weighed 302.8. That's a loss of 4.6 pounds this week! I started this journey 3 weeks ago weighing 318.6 so my overall weight loss is 15.8 pounds. I was shooting for a 15 pound loss for my first month so I am stoked to have reached that after 3 weeks.  Here's what my weight loss has looked like so far as I have been charting it on

On the left is my weight loss to date and on the right are my milestones. As you can see, I already reached the milestone I had set for April 17th, so I went ahead and set a new one for next month. I am shooting for 2 pounds a week average so I am hoping to lose just over 8 pounds by this time next month. In the even shorter term, I would love to get under 300 this next week but will be realistically be looking to do it in the next two weeks.

Speaking of goals, I've been wanting to share my long term goals here as something to look back at. I started this journey on March 15th, 2015. My first big goal is to reach a 50 pound loss by my next birthday (September 6). That gives me about 5 pounds from now and with a little less than 35 pounds to go, I think it is completely doable! My big picture goal is to reach 165 by my 35th birthday (September 6, 2016). That will give me a year to lose another 100 pounds after hopefully reaching that 50 pound goal in these next few months. I am dreaming big and on the road to achieve my dreams!

What are your long term weight loss/health goals? I would love to hear them!

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